Welcome to my web site! COVID has changed the way many of us operate and do our jobs.  This web site is a result of my desire to share information and originally to simply create an online calendar to let everyone know when I plan to go live.  In typical Thomas Domitrovich fashion, that goal of a calendar grew to what you are experiencing right now.  I have assembled this resource to help increase safety in the electrical industry.  I hope that this will be a go to resource for information on electrical applications.  Please don’t forget to connect with me on my other social media platforms as well. Together we can learn and grow a safer electrical industry.

I started my Q&A Friday sessions because I was getting a lot of really great questions on the content I was creating which developed to just really great questions in general.  I learn answering questions and thought we’d all learn together.  Follow this channel and spend 1 hour with me.  We can all learn together.

Watch the YouTube playlist!

This is a YouTube educational resource. Please visit, subscribe, hit that bell and enjoy the content.

Let’s connect on LinkedIN where I have additional materials you may enjoy.

Connect with me on Facebook as well where I have other material you may find useful.

Yup! I even stream to Twitter. Let’s connect and share together.

Oh boy can you learn on INSTAGRAM! Make sure we’re connected.

Welcome to the TSDN
(Technical social distancing network)

The Buck 41 Club

Introducing the Buck 41 Club!  This is just a simple way to recognize leaders in electrical safety.  Please join in each of the sessions to hear the inductees tell their story and share their passion.



NFPA 70-2023